Livingston Stand Up


What's happening in Livingston?

Livingston High School's Black Student Union has formed addresses to the Livingston Police Department and Livingston Public Schools regarding how reform can be instituted in our community.

Highlights include:

  • - Require new police hires to hold a Bachelors degree and re-examine the way they are vetted (background checks on potential hateful affiliations and/or tendencies)
  • - Integrate rigorous implicit bias training for police and school professionals
  • - Teaching culturally- and socially-relevant curriculum
  • - Empathy lessons & starting race conversations in elementary schools

Please Sign And Fill Out This Form:

LHS’s Black Student Union’s List of Inquiries and Demands


Accounts of Racism and Microagressions in Livingston:


Support Black-owned Businesses Around Livingston: Two Comprehensive Lists

A guide to Black-owned businesses in N.J.

Where to support Black-owned businesses in North Jersey